Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunday is for Strippers

I spent Sunday afternoon spraying our fencelines with 24D and some FirstRate to knock down some the giant ragweed, dandelions and lambsquarter that were starting to grow pretty well. I used the sprayer on my mini-truck that we built last year which works really well. It has a 15 ft boom with 20" nozzle spacing with a 40 gallon Schaben tank. I have it calibrated to spray about 15 GPA at 5 MPH. The mini-truck speedometer is in km/hr and doesn't estimate low speed very well so I downloaded an app for my Iphone that works as a speedometer and used it for the first time Sunday and it worked really well. Came out about nuts on for product usage for the area I sprayed. We'll see what kind of control we go back to the farm next weekend. It was a little cool to be spraying so it will likely take longer to see the results we're hoping for.
After finishing that job I took off to go finish doing my spring strip till freshening. I had a farm last fall where I lost my RTK GPS signal off and on for the last 20 acres of the field and my strips were not straight enough pass to pass for Dad to come in and plant with a 12 row planter across the strips made by my 6 row strip till bar. So I went out and found where the problem started, got lined up again and got things straight so Dad won't have issues when he pulls into the field in a few weeks. The strips worked up amazingly well for this time of year and I'll be interested to see the differences of where I did the spring strips vs where I did only a pass in the fall.
After I finished that field, I headed to Dad's 6 acre patch around his place to re-strip that piece where I'm hoping to make my first attempt at strip intercropping corn and soybeans. More details on this intercrop venture in the weeks to come. Good weekend...back to the grind and my real job for the week!

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