Spring is off to a fast start already as Dad and I have completed a lot of preliminary field work before planting will start in the next 2 weeks. We've been able to level our plowing and apply anhydrous ammonia this last week in really good conditions. Hopefully this will be the last spring that we have to level plowing as we're in the process of transitioning the operation to strip tillage. We plowed a majority of our acres going back to corn on corn last fall and strip tilled all of our bean stubble going to corn as well as corn stubble going to soybeans. We do have one corn on corn farm where we will compare the plowing vs strip till that I'm really anxious to see how it works out. I was able to get out and freshen my fall strips on that particular farm on Thursday night as the ground conditions were unbelievably fit for the end of March in northern Iowa. Here's a few pics of how things looked. I was running a 6-row Krause Gladiator about 6 inches deep about 6 MPH making these strips. This diabolical numerical alignment is nothing more than an interesting coincidence.
Here's a link to my YouTube page of some video I shot on my iPhone while stripping. Forgive my inability to hold the phone in the correct orientation. I failed to take my Steve Jobs pills before heading to the field.
Going to head out later today to spray some field borders on some of our strip tilled fields where we have giant ragweed and grass coming much earlier than normal and I don't want to let them get out of hand before planting. I'll have some pics of the mini-truck in action later on making this application that will sure to be the envy of everyone who owns a 120 ft self propelled sprayer in the corn belt.
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